Court Reporters
iDepo’s professional, accurate, and on-time court reporters are carefully selected to report your proceedings. Tell us the criteria you need, and we will provide the appropriate reporter for your unique case, whether you need a dependable reporter out of town for a daily expedite, for a multi-party litigation deposition, or a RealTime Streaming reporter. Our court reporters are among the highest credentialed in the industry and are proficient in handling all types of litigation from the simplest of assignments to complex multi-party class action or multi-jurisdictional matters.
You will receive personal and customized service in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. You can be rest assured that if your deposition requires a specialized skillset, we will match the most capable reporter with your needs. Furthermore, should you have any subsequent depositions in the same case, we will make every effort to assign the same reporter or reporters that have been handling the case to ensure continuity and familiarity with your special needs and litigation style.
- Deposition Court Reporters
- Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) Court Reporters
- California Courts - Court Reporters for Trials and Hearings
- Remote Depositions
- Nationwide Court Reporters
- FTR, CD/DVD, MP3, and MP4 Transcriptions
- Real-time Streaming Reporting
- E-mailing Rough and Final Transcript Files
- On-time quality transcripts
- Condensed Transcript/Word index
- E-transcript with hyperlinked exhibits
- Telephonic Depositions
- Worldwide Deposition Referral System
- Daily Transcript Delivery
- Unlimited access to Transcripts, Exhibits, and Documents Repository