Don’t have time to fly to an out-of-town deposition?
Trying to manage travel expenses for your client?
Deponent unavailable but for a small window of time?
You’ve never met this witness and would like to see the witness’s face and demeanor?
Trying to manage work life balance?
Deponent refusing to appear in person?
Then schedule a cost-effective remote deposition via video conferences from many platforms to choose from. Allow us to help you keep your client happy without added travel expenses, managing and saving time so you can work on other cases instead of added travel time, and providing conveniences for your clients.
Face-to-face communication is unmeasured in impact and effectiveness, but travel costs and remote access can present collaboration challenges. Video conferencing through iDepo Reporters enables individuals, businesses, or organizations to visually connect with others in real time with solutions that are simple and cost-effective.

Secure and Reliable Network
Humanize your meetings across the country; see the people with whom you are working
Dedicated toll-free dial-in numbers
Dedicated Moderators to help assist with exhibits management and technical issues
Reliable Network
dial-in numbers
To assist with exhibits management and technical issues.
Use your own equipment (cell phones, tablets or computers (laptop or desktop) with a webcam – we will provide the connection for others to attend.
Because remote depositions may require additional effort and coordination, we provide complimentary training to you, your opposing counsel (if needed), and the witness regarding the remote deposition protocol.
If you need equipment, please let us know as we can provide equipment, even for the witness.
We will test your equipment before your scheduled deposition to make sure all equipment is in working order.
Use your own telephone (cell, home, or office), receive a dedicated call-in number with a passcode.
Our Remote Videographers can record your deposition and provide you media just as if they were present in the room.
If requested, Certified Interpreters are prepared to attend via phone or videoconference.
Our staff and stenographic reporters can facilitate real-time streaming during your deposition.
Should you need to have a witness come to our office for deposition while others attend remotely, we can provide all necessary videoconference equipment at our offices. We take precautionary health measures by cleaning and sanitizing workspaces after each deposition and limiting attendees to only the witness, his/her counsel, and one iDepo staff member or approved participant. In instances with multiple attendees, we will implement social distancing practices in our large conference room upon request.
We ask that all attendees be symptom-free and will request postponement or attend remotely only if we learn that the attendee has coronavirus symptoms or has recently traveled to areas that have been highly impacted by this virus.