iDepo offers you an on-line office repository that is web-enabled, available 24/7. We want to make your interactions with us more efficient, reduce your costs, and help you be more responsive to your clients by easy access to your documents, transcripts, and exhibits. You can quickly make requests and get answers (including transcripts) whenever you need them.

- Smart Transcript - Even when travelling, you can access your transcripts from the repository which you can download 24/7
- Password Protected
- Secure Transfer
- Smart Exhibits – Easy access to documents and exhibits
- Smart Downloads - Entire Case Files you can download 24/7; No need to carry boxes and boxes of documents. Print only the pages you need at the time you need it
- OCR – Scanned and searchable records and documents
- Key Word Search
- Case Management – Manage your case online
- Share Documents within your firm or with designated approved individuals
- Smart Scheduling - Easy info entering, instant confirms, change or cancel online
- Job Calendar - searchable current and past schedules
- Billing Information - payments, balances, and invoices